Sunday, November 21, 2010

Find Me

So basically Jessica and Kaitlin go on these crazy amazing nature drives every Friday. When they go Jessica always sends me pictures of how amazing the scenery is and, if you know me at ALL, you know that seeing beautiful bits of nature that I don't get to go to makes me EXTREMELY jealous. So I guess I might have complained enough because this last Friday they let me go with them! And I brought my camera and made a very short film. So here it is, my first original production since I've been in Utah. Tell me what you think!


  1. Uhhh it's over kind of near Provo Lake. It's like a random road you can take.

  2. My son is so awesome! I got a little tear watching this :)(for real)

  3. You really get to the heart of it immediately.
    Be Still and Listen!!!! We should all do more of that. Great Job Hunter and VERY thought provoking.

  4. Thanks! I'm hoping I can make another video soon. I actually have something typed up right now but all I need a good snowfall going on to get the shots.

  5. I meant to comment like forever ago but you know PROCASTINATION. It is a disease. Love your work son and look forward to the day that I can say to someone, "Yeah, I know the guy that made that." Oh wait, I already did that!

    Keep it up Stu. You have the talent and drive. Can't go wrong with that combination. Just comes down to how hard you are willing to fight for the dream. You know what you want so go out and make it happen and don't ever look back!
